Tuesday, August 10, 2010

3 Liters!

Well - Kale is back down to 3 ltrs! He was turned down at 6am then had a gas at 8am to see how he was handling it. The gas was good, so he stayed on that the whole day. He will have another gas in the AM to see how he is doing with it. Towards the end of the afternoon he was beginning to breathe a bit heavier, so hopefully he just needs some time to get adjusted to it.

He gained quite a bit of weight last night, he was up to 6 lbs. 6 oz - which is a 3 oz gain in a night! He is likely retaining some fluid, because that's a whole lot of weight for the little guy!

He also had an eye exam Monday afternoon, and that came back as 'no change'! This is exactly what we want, so that's good news! He will have another eye exam on Thursday and if that one goes well then he will go back to just one exam/week.

We will have some visitors this weekend from all over the place! I've got some friends coming in town that can hopefully see Kale and we also have relatives from Phoenix coming in over the weekend! Kale will be able to meet his Great Grandparents (Jamerson side) and his 2nd cousins (at least I think that is what they would be??), Great Aunt and 3rd cousin (ok I made that one up, I don't know what to call my cousin's son??? Is there a name for that?! Confusing....) Anyway, we're excited to see them!

We're really hoping that we can get some sleep tonight. The weather here hasn't been the best. It has thunderstormed the past 2 nights all.night.long. Errghhhh, that means no sleep for Derc and I because Mack is up whining and nudging our faces with his nose telling us he's scared and peeing on our carpet. Sweet.

Well, praying for Kale's lungs to get better so he can hopefully ween down on his vapotherm - goal is to be at 2 ltrs again before the end of the week, then next week back to trying bottles! Thanks for checking in, we appreciate it!

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