Saturday, August 7, 2010

Rough few days

Sorry again for the delay in updates!

Kale has had a rough few days :( He seems to be really having to work hard to breathe. The Drs. turned him back up to 4 ltrs on vapotherm, which unfortunately is a big setback. He was at 4 lts about 3.5 weeks ago, so it's hard not to consider this a 3 week setback. Derc and I have been trying to stay positive and keep in mind that this is helping him and in the grand scheme of his life a few more weeks isn't huge....but it's difficult. He seems to be more comfortable since he was turned up, so at least that's good.

Because of his higher flow on vapotherm, they will hold off on feeding him bottles. We think he may have gotten worn out with all the bottle work early in the week. He has to work so hard to take a bottle, we think he just got tuckered out. They also think he may be having trouble breathing because he is retaining fluid. He was up to 6 lbs. 3 oz, and looked kind of puffy. He has been started back on Diurel to try and get rid of some fluid.

They have run some tests to see if he is getting sick, and those tests are coming back normal, so they don't think he is coming down with anything. He was acting sick earlier in the week, with a stuffy nose and watery eyes.

Speaking of his eyes, he had an eye exam on Thursday and it came back with no change!! This is good news, we want to continue seeing no change here, which means his retina are still developing but his ROP is not getting worse.

So...keeping our fingers crossed and saying our prayers that he can recover quickly from this and gain some energy so he can begin weening down on his vapotherm again.

We have an exciting weekend this weekend - Derc's brother is getting married! The wedding is this afternoon and then tomorrow we're celebrating Derc's dad's 50th birthday! So, lots going on this weekend, should be a great time!!

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