Wednesday, September 22, 2010

Not so fun day

This is what happens when you leave Mack alone with Kale for more than 30 seconds....Mack puts a shoe on top of the little guy. Crazy dog :)

Question of the day...

Who likes to get shots and heal pokes??

Didn't think so. Turns out Kale isn't a fan of those either! He had his 4 month checkup yesterday and it was NO fun at all. He had to get 3 shots (2 in one leg, 1 in the other), an oral vaccine and a heal poke for his BMP. Let's just say that's about as fun as getting him circumcised. They should really have someone else at the drs. office to hold down the screaming, crying children, don't you think?? It's enough that the parent has to take the miserable little guy home and deal with the screaming and crying for the 48 hours that follow shots, do they really need to be the ones that hold the kid down too??

His appointment was fine other than that, although he is still at 9 lbs. We need to get him gaining some more weight. We are going to try and get him to eat every 3 hours whether he is into it or not, so hopefully that helps. If you have any tips on how to beef a baby up or how to make their bellies feel better please feel free to leave a comment and let me know, we're open to ideas!

He did have two milestones yesterday...we had our first tears at the Dr. appointment (I didn't say they were great milestones). Then last night I was getting ready to give him his bottle and I looked down and he was legitimately sucking on his thumb! I love the little stuff :)

He has his cardiology appointment Friday, Derc and I are very interested in what they will tell us about plans for pacemakers and what to expect over the next few months as he grows.

Until next time...


  1. Try gripe water to help his upset/gassy's a natural remedy, similar to Mylicon drops, and you can get it at a store called Great Earth in West Des Moines on University right across the street from Babies R Us! I used to give it to my baby girl all the time a few months ago when she was Kale's age and it seemed to help :) Kale is looking SO great!! - Lindsey Woods (Moen)

  2. I used mylicon drops and gripe water. Target has both. Also, I ended up switching our son to Soy formula and that worked wonders. Night and day difference. Mommies know best just follow your instincts. Do lots of bicycles to help relieve the bubbles. I also started giving him a little bit of cereal at about 2.5 -3 mths. Best of luck!

  3. We have had a TERRIFBLE time getting Boston to eat and gain weight esp with high cal formula's!!! Both of our guys stopped taking the high cal breast milk (there went the 2000 oz I had stored!) and they eneded up not taking the NeoSure at all! They did ok w/the liquid in the NICU but when we got home they would not take the powder for anything!!! We switched to Enfamil Enfacare and they started taking that just fine no issues like there were before. Boston has HORRIBLE reflux-I guess what he has is really really common in preemies-maybe you should check that out w/your doctor? It honestly took them months to figure it out and almost loosing him-16 days in PICU on top of almost 2 months on the peds floor to find it out! They started him on 2 meds-1 to keep it down and nutralize the acids and the other to push it out faster. This helped a TON TON TON! They also put him on a inhalant steroid that upped his appetite BIG time! He is not 9 mos and only 16 pounds but in such better shape than he was! Also---Boston is a CHAMP at baby/spoon food! Honestly eats that like its going out of style!! I know that is a long was off for little Kale but he is growing faster than he was prior to baby food now!

  4. Your post made me laugh....I seriously refuse to hold Raelynn down to have her get her shots. As soon as they pull the trigger, they let go of her and hand her to me as she proceeds to hug me for dear life. It seems to be a little bit calming for her this way b/c she knows that they are done with her at that point and that Mommy will "save her." ;) I figure that if we are paying them, they can do the dirty work! No way am I holding my child down while she is thrashing to get stuck w/ a needle! So yes, there are people that feel the same way! And I totally don't care if they talk about me when I leave, lol.

  5. Baby Tylenol before he goes to the doctor for shots. I wish someone had told me that before we took my oldest in for his first round of vaccinations.
