Well, as you can see, Kale had a nice little weekend!! His first Halloween was a success. He was a bat this year, and a very cute bat at that :) This year we actually had trick-or-treaters at our house, it was SO fun seeing all the cute costumes!
Kale also got to visit with his Aunt Sarah, Uncle Z and cousin Jordan. They came down Saturday and Jordan got to spend some quality time with Kale. It's so cute watching them together! Jordan was so busy playing with Kale and Mack that he missed his bedtime and fell asleep while coloring, so cute :)
Kale had an eye exam on Friday and it went really well! His ROP is GONE! Retina have fully developed and he is in the clear for anymore detached retina concerns. She will see him again in 6 months. He is still at risk for vision problems but she said all preemies are, so she will continue to monitor him closely.
So the goal this week is that we get Kale on a routine since I'm going back to work. Kale is sort of thinking that it's ok to stay up until 1am. Since I haven't been working full time we've been able to work with that....but I go back to work tomorrow full time and I need about 9 hours of sleep to function, so that's not gonna work out so well for us!
This weekend was opening day for pheasant season, so Derc and Mack got to go hunting. They wait for this day all year and they had a lot of fun. Derc said Mack did well, so he must not be terribly out of shape, just slightly :) This week I'll have a biopsy for the lumps in my neck. The cat scan showed that they were swollen lymphnodes and since I don't have any symptoms that would indicate infection (like mono or something) she wants to do a biopsy and make sure that they aren't anything more serious. So, we're obviously crossing our fingers and saying our prayers that it's nothing more than some fluid buildup. We'll get you an update as soon as we know anything.
Kale doesn't have a check-up until Thursday this week so we are hoping for a big weight gain this week! We're also hoping that we can try no oxygen sometime this week, so we will let you know if we get the go ahead for that!
Have a great week!