About ready to pull his feeding tube out...he's just testing us.
Crazy to think that Kale's due date was tomorrow...he's already 108 days old!!
Kale is still truckin along! Today and yesterday he has done a little better with the bottles. Yesterday he took 5 or 6 partial bottles and today he has taken 4 already and still has two more feeding sessions to go, so we're thinking he's gaining strength and stamina!! That's what we're really waiting for, otherwise he's knockin the door down wanting to come home.
He is really getting big!! I looked at him today when we got him naked (he peed on himself so of course needed to get changed) and he just looked so big, I guess lately I've really only seen him swaddled up. He was really alert today, just hanging out, flirting with the nurses. Not only is he getting bigger, but he's starting to get his dad's bushy eyebrows...
The Drs. really aren't planning on making any changes before he goes home. They only thing I imagine they may do is turn his oxygen down to half a liter before he comes home, but they really want him to master eating before they mess with his oxygen anymore.
That's about all for now, thanks for checking in!!